Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What's your strategy?

I'm reminded of an old joke about a couple driving through the western states.  The wife pulls a map out of the glovebox and tries to make sense of where they are. "Honey, I think we're lost," she says.  "Yes, we are," says the husband.  Then, looking at his watch, he says "...but we're making really good time!"

The irony is, without a good strategy - for anything - you won't have any idea whether you're close to your goals or not.  Proverbs 28:19 says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish..." (KJV)

Some things to consider as your church or ministry considers its social media strategy.  I'll expand on each of these in future posts:

  1. Who is your target audience?  Consider your key demographics - age, level of engagement with the church/ministry, etc.
  2. How social-media savvy is your target audience?
  3. What are your overall goals for social media ministry?
  4. Who within the church/ministry will own this effort?
  5. What is your budget?
The list could go on and on.  The point isn't to get lost in the paralysis of analysis.  Rather, it's to encourage you to "...count the cost..." (Luke 14:28) before you jump into it.  You want the church experience to be excellent - the choir, the preaching, the fellowship - why shouldn't you shoot for excellence in your social strategy?

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